Our full time childcare runs from 8:30 am to 6 pm daily.
We cater for children aged from 2.5 to 5 years in the morning .
We also run an after school club until 6 pm daily and offer free collection from local schools.
We are located in a modern facility at Sportsco Club Ringsend, which was custom built and includes child-sized bathroom facilities and wash hand basins so there’s no need for high steps for toilet training and hand-washing.
The classroom environment is set up to allow for individualised and self-explorative learning which stimulates, fosters and nurtures the love for learning that will continue throughout life.
Our highly trained teachers observe the children through this environment and introduce them to developmentally challenging activities in practical life skills, sensorial, language, mathematics, cultural studies and social activities. All of our staff are fully vetted and qualified.
We have daily access to the fantastic sports gym for recreation periods which allows your child to get plenty of exercise all year round and our secure outdoor play area ensures they also get plenty of fresh air in a safe and supervised environment. The outdoor area is filled with age-appropriate ride on toys, slides and garden planters.
Please feel free to call Richard Lynch at 083 090 9796 with any queries you might have or email us at sandymountac@gmail.com and we will answer as quickly as possible.